Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Skyrise 4 Woman | VOLLEY TIME


Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Skyrise 4 Woman

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Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Skyrise 4 Woman

You will feel like you are floating with this shoe designed for smooth runs. It features MIZUNO ENERZY for soft cushioning and high energy return. MIZUNO WAVE enhances the stability while still maintaining the floating feeling.


SmoothRide: An engineered approach to minimise the rapid acceleration and decelaration of the foot during transition, creating the smoothest ride possible.

U4icX: An evolutionary lightweight midsole that delivers stress-free cushioned rides with high rebounds.

X10: An extremely durable Mizuno carbon rubber that allows for longer wear in high impact areas and gives more traction at the heel strike.

Mizuno Enerzy: Offers superb cushioning and high energy return thanks to Mizuno's most innovative midsole material.

Premium Insock: A high-grade removable insock for comfort and cushioning.