Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Prodigy 5 Man | VOLLEY TIME


Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Prodigy 5 Man

€120.00 {{prezzo}}
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Running Shoes Mizuno Wave Prodigy 5 Man

Get a burst of energy with this shoe perfect for beginner runners. Mizuno Wave technology offers both cushioning and stability, while also providing a propulsive force and support for smooth weght transfers. This is reliable, affordable model that will take your love of running to new heights.


Mizuno Wave: Inspired by nature, Wave is a unique midsole technology that provides both cushioning and stability.

SmoothRide: An engineered approach to minimise the rapid acceleration and decelaration of the foot during transition, creating the smoothest ride possible.

X10: An extremely durable Mizuno carbon rubber that allows for longer wear in high impact areas and gives more traction at the heel strike.

U4icX: An evolutionary lightweight midsole that delivers stress-free cushioned rides with high rebounds.